Our Alpaca Experience!
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Come Dance with the Alpacas!
Ready for a mental health break? The perfect solution is our Alpaca Experience !
Connect with nature and cuddly animals with this unique opportunity to take an alpaca for a walk – and we won’t judge if you do a little jig at the end!

We have partnered with Faye and Fred Glauser, who own TLC Alpacas just a hop, step and jump away from the Mornington Rose to present our Alpaca Experience.
If you purchase our Alpaca Experience, you can spend some time getting to know all about alpacas and take them for a walk in the fresh, country air.
Then, round out your visit with a delicious picnic under the trees overlooking the pasture. We prepare a lovely basket full of delicious bites and beverages for you so you can fully enjoy your day in the country.
TLC Alpacas is located just outside of Mitchell, a 15 minute drive away. You will find a lovely farm that is the home of cows, horses (two miniatures as well), donkeys, goats, and a small herd of beautiful alpacas.
Alpacas are gentle animals who love interacting with humans, and actually hum when you approach them. They enjoy going for walks through the countryside, even in winter, and love to be petted. You will enjoy it as well, as they have such lovely soft fleece!
In the summer when it's hot, they like it when you give them a cool shower from the hose when they get back from their walk. Like humans as well, they always look forward to a special treat when they get back home.
Alpacas prefer to be outdoors rather than cooped up in a barn. The Glausers have found a three-sided shelter is perfect for them in their large paddock. They like to be outside in winter, too, but they can also go into the barn if there is severe weather.
Alpacas are fed grass, good quality grass hays(some alfalfa is fine) and a special alpaca crumble. They eat very little food each day, usually as much as a large dog. They need hay and/or grass for the fiber it contains, and are given annual inoculations and worm medications as you would give your cat or dog.

Many of the alpacas go to shows around the country in large trailers (similar to horse trailers) so they have food and water while they travel. There were alpacas at Winterfest in Stratford in February, and everyone loved them. They are trained to walk with a lead and harness, so they will walk beside you and stop when you want to pet them. Some people train their animals to compete in obstacle courses. They have to be very high quality, smart animals who are not afraid of people, and trust and listen to their handlers. They also often win ribbons and banners for their fleece and conformation.
Don't miss out on this chance to come and dance with the alpacas and enjoy our Alpaca Experience.
For details, go to our Inndulgences page or call Victoria at 1 866 277 9577. Subject to availability and weather conditions.
A bit about Alpacas
Alpacas are without a doubt one of the most beautiful, gentle animals that roam our planet Earth. Just the fact the Alpacas come in twenty-two different colours makes them unique. Add to that their gentle nature, tranquil temperament, luxurious fiber, and calming humming sounds and you have an animal that no one can resist.
Alpacas are domesticated camelids that are native to the Andes Mountains in South America, specifically Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. They are closely related to llamas, and are known for their soft and luxurious fiber, which is used to make clothing and other textiles. Alpacas have been domesticated for thousands of years and were originally bred by the indigenous people of the Andes for their meat, fiber, and as pack animals. Today, alpacas are raised primarily for their fiber, but they are also kept as pets and used for their manure, which is a valuable fertilizer for crops.
Alpacas come in two different types: Huacaya and Suri. Huacaya alpacas have fluffy, crimped fiber that grows outwards from their body, while Suri alpacas have long, silky fibers that hang down in dreadlock-like locks. Both types of alpacas are highly valued for their fiber, which is considered to be one of the softest and warmest natural fibers in the world.
One of the reasons alpaca fiber is so highly valued is because of its unique properties. Alpaca fiber is incredibly soft, lightweight, and warm, making it ideal for use in clothing and other textiles. Unlike wool, which can be itchy and scratchy, alpaca fiber is hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin, making it a great choice for people with sensitive skin.
Alpaca fiber is also naturally water-resistant and flame-resistant, making it a popular choice for outdoor clothing and gear. It is also highly durable and resistant to pilling, which means it will last for many years with proper care.
In addition to their valuable fiber, alpacas are also known for their gentle and docile personalities. They are social animals that live in herds, and they are easy to handle and train. Unlike some other livestock, such as cows or horses, alpacas are relatively low-maintenance and require only basic care and feeding.
Alpacas are herbivores and feed primarily on grasses and hay. They also require fresh water and a mineral supplement to stay healthy. They have a unique digestive system that allows them to extract maximum nutrients from their food, and they produce a type of manure that is low in odor and high in nutrients, making it an ideal fertilizer for gardens and crops.
Alpacas are also known for their reproductive capabilities. Female alpacas, called hembra, typically give birth to one cria, or baby alpaca, per year. The gestation period for alpacas is around 11 months, and crias are usually born in the spring or early summer. Male alpacas, called macho, are sexually mature at around two years of age, while females are ready to breed at around 18 months.
Alpacas are social animals and thrive in herds, which typically consist of a few dozen individuals. They are also highly adaptable and can be raised in a variety of climates and environments. In the United States, alpacas are primarily raised in the western states, where the climate is dry and arid, but they can also be raised in colder climates with proper shelter and care.
Many people find that raising alpacas is a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Alpacas are gentle and friendly animals that are easy to bond with, and many alpaca farmers develop close relationships with their animals. Alpacas are also used in therapy programs for children and adults with special needs, as their calm and gentle nature can be soothing and therapeutic.
In addition to their value as livestock, alpacas are also important culturally and economically for the communities in the Andes where they are traditionally raised. In these communities, alpaca fiber is still a valuable commodity and is used to make traditional clothing and textiles. The export of alpaca fiber and products is also an important source of income for these communities.
In conclusion, alpacas are fascinating and valuable animals that have played an important role in the culture and economy of the Andes for thousands of years. Today, they are valued for their luxurious fiber, gentle nature, and adaptability, and are increasingly popular as pets and livestock in many parts of the world.
Whether you are interested in raising alpacas for their fiber or simply want to enjoy their company as pets, these animals are sure to bring joy and satisfaction to your life.